Puy lentil and beetroot salad with hazelnut vinaigrette

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Awareness was intermittent. It sputtered.
        And some of the time you were seen
                asleep. So trying to appear whole

                you asked of the morning: Is he free
        who is not free from pain? It started to rain
a particulate alloy of flecked grey; the dogs

wanted out into their atlas of smells; to pee
        where before they had peed, and might
                well pee again — though it isn’t

                a certainty. What is? In the set,
        called Phi, of all possible physical worlds
resembling this one, in which, at time t,

was written ‘ Is he free who is not free —’
        and comes the cramp. Do you want
                to be singular, onstage, praised,

                or blamed? I watched a field of sun-
        flowers dial their ruddy faces toward
what they needed and was good. At noon

they were chalices upturned, gilt-edged,
        and I lived in that same light but felt
                alone. I chose to phone my brother,

                over whom I worried, and say so.
        He whispered, lacked affect. He’d lost
my record collection to looming debt. I

forgave him — through weak connections,
        through buzz and oceanic crackle —
                immediately, without choosing to,

                because it was him I hadn’t lost; and
        later cried myself to sleep. In that village
near Dijon, called Valley of Peace,

a pond reflected its dragonflies
        over a black surface at night, and
                the nuclear reactor’s far-off halo
                of green light changed the night sky
        to the west. A pony brayed, stamping
a hoof on inlaid stone. The river’s reeds

lovely, but unswimmable. World death
        on the event horizon; vigils with candles
                in cups. I’ve mostly replaced my records,

                and acted in ways I can’t account for.
        Cannot account for what you’re about
to do. We should be held and forgiven.

        Compatibilist in Airstream Land Yacht, Ken Babstock

The weather, which doesn't seem to have settled on spring yet, calls for a transition salad: cold but with winter(-ish) ingredients.
You can substitute any lentils that will hold their shape during cooking (with husk).

Puy lentil and beetroot salad with hazelnut vinaigrette
(vegan, gluten-free)

250 g Puy lentils, uncooked
2 garlic cloves
1 medium beetroot, cooked or raw (about 250 g)
100 g sun-dried tomatoes in oil
4-5 spring onions
50 g hazelnut, roughly chopped
a small handful of seed crackers (optional)
herbes de Provence

Cook lentils with garlic cloves until tender. Strain, remove garlic and set aside to cool completely.
Chop the beetroot into thin strips or shred it if using raw and quarter the onions. Remove excess oil from the sun-dried tomatoes. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl and season with pepper and herbes de Provence. Crush seed crackers on top. Serve with hazelnut and raspberry vinaigrette.

Hazelnut and raspberry vinaigrette

140 ml hazelnut oil
100 ml sunflower oil (or other neutral oil)
80  ml raspberry vinegar
15 g Dijon mustard
salt and white pepper, to taste

In a bowl, whisk all ingredients thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and white pepper. Keep vinaigrette in a sealed jar or bottle and shake before serving.

Salade de lentilles du Puy et betterave, vinaigrette à la noisette

250 g lentilles du Puy
2 gousses d'ail
1 betterave de taille moyenne (environ 250 g)
100 g tomates séchées à l'huile
4-5 oignons blancs
50 g noisettes, concassées
une petite poignée de crackers aux graines (facultatif)
herbes de Provence

Cuire les lentilles avec les gousses d'ail jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient tendres. Égoutter, retirer l'ail et laisser refroidir complètement. Tailler la betterave en fine lamelles et les oignons en quatre. Dans un saladier, mélanger tous les ingrédients et assaisonner avec du poivre et des herbes de Provence. Écraser quelques crakers aux graines sur le dessus. Servir avec une vinaigrette à la noisette.

Vinaigrette à la noisette et à la framboise

140 ml huile de noisette
100 ml huile de tournesol (ou autre huile de saveur neutre)
80 ml vinaigre de framboise
15 g moutarde de Dijon 
sel et poivre blanc

Dans un bol, mélanger au fouet tous les ingrédients pour créer une émulsion.

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